Episode 59

Ready for the big quit 😱

The Pandemic has given us cause to pause and rethink how we live our lives.

In this episode, Jan explores her personal story and how she decided to quit her corporate job along with some things you should consider before you quit.



Jan Griffiths:

It's Christmas Eve 2021. And the Omicron variant is sweeping through the state of Michigan. So many people are contracting the virus right now. There's a weird kind of feeling in the air. I was just at CVS today, I want you to pick up some of the test kits just in case. And there's a sort of tension in the air. It's it's fear. But there's a much stronger determination to have a good holiday and a good Christmas so you can feel it. There's this just took determination that nothing is gonna stop us. It's an interesting phenomenon, what's happening, and what the pandemic has done to us. Around the world, millions of people are rethinking how they work and live and how to better balance the two. were questioning our values. We're questioning how we want to live our lives. Several years ago, pre pandemic, I went through the same type of thought process. I had reached my ultimate corporate job. Yes, I had reached the C suite. I was there. I had worked all my life to get there. But something just didn't feel right. I felt the life force draining out of me in those weekly staff meetings, watching PowerPoint presentations, being presented week after week, and month after month was just some tiny little tweaks in the numbers, and a cadence of meetings that was totally mind numbing. And as I started to question, I was told simply not to do that. I was expected to fit the mold. And you know me, I wanted to break the mold. And I stood back and I looked at my life and I thought, wow, okay, you've got the job you want. You got the life you want. You have the house you want the car you want. Your daughter is in the school that you want it to be in everything is as you planned it. So why then, Didn't it feel right? I knew that that corporate mold was tightening it was it was just so constraining, I could feel it tightening around me. And I knew that there was more to me. And there was more that I had to give to life and to others and more that I wanted to do with my life. And most of you know my story. And so I quit. Many people thought I was completely out of my mind. I did not quit to go to another job. Even though my boss at the time, thought for sure I was going to show up at another automotive supplier, but I did not. I left my job for a different life financially, was the craziest decision I've ever made. And yes, many have questioned my sanity. I took my salary to zero. Because I believe in myself. And I believe that I have more to give and I could impact more people by starting my own business and furthering the mission of authentic leadership than I could being in the corporate role.

Jan Griffiths:

And so I did it. I quit my job and I was scared to death. I don't know anything about being an entrepreneur. I'm still learning and I'll be learning every day until I die. But I did it. It took it took a deep rooted commitment to myself that I wanted to live a different life. I wasn't living life truly in line with my values. I wanted to spend more time on fitness on my health. I wanted to be able to go for a walk in the afternoon. I wanted to be able to do Pick my daughter up at school when I wanted to, and not be, you know, terrified and running like a lunatic because I was maybe two minutes late for the eight o'clock staff meeting, I knew there was a better life. And I chose to make that happen. I wasn't restructured out something, I wasn't offered a better job with more money, none of that I chose on my terms to make that decision. And fast forward to today. And I see many people doing that exact same thing, questioning the world of work, the way that they lead their lives, both at work and personally, and saying, You know what, this is crazy. I don't want to do this anymore. I want to do something different. And no longer being lured by that lovely corporate paycheck. And a life that puts you in business class on planes in the Delta Diamond Club, and all those lovely perks that go along with a corporate job, or saying, You know what, no, maybe I'm happier. Living in a house, in the country, on the beach, working from home doing something that perhaps doesn't pay as much. There was a time when we would have said that was that was crazy to do something where you earn less money. But our values as a society are changing. And we're saying you know what life is more, there's more to life than that paycheck than climbing that corporate ladder. And so the pandemic has given us a cause to pause, and rethink our values and how we live our life. And it is manifesting itself right now big time in the great resignation. Some are calling it the big quit, the big quit. Many people are indeed quitting their jobs. I heard a statistic this morning that said right now, as we stand at the end of 2021, it's about 4 million people a month, quitting their jobs. 4 million people a month. That's a lot. And in January, when bonuses are going to be paid out, I suspect we're going to see a lot more. So why am I talking about this today? And why is this so important? Well, having been through the thought process, my message to you is simply this. If you're thinking about quitting, make sure that it is for the right reasons. Don't quit just to jump to another corporate job where you think that the culture is going to be better. Because unless you've really done your homework, and you really understand what this company is all about, it's probably not going to be much different.

Jan Griffiths:

One of the things that we're all doing is where we're starting to understand our mission and our purpose. And we want more of a mission and purpose in our work life. When I started my career, that was the last thing that I thought of, I wanted career success, and I wanted money and I wanted it as quickly as possible. I never even thought about what the company even produced, let alone what they were, what they were all about what their mission and purpose was. But society has changed significantly. And we're all doing that. And now the pandemic has given us a reason to do it even more. So if you're thinking about quitting, make sure that you're doing it for the right reasons. And that it is truly in line with your values. You're not just jumping from one corporate environment to another, do it for the right reasons. And for those of you who might be rethinking the corporate culture, just know this that four in 10 millennial and Gen Z respondents say, and this is according to a Bloomberg article four in 10 say they would leave their job if they were asked to come back to the office full time. That's something to think about. So there's a lot for us to contemplate and this is the Perfect time to step back away from the day to day, as I'm doing this week, and and really think about your life and your work life and where you're going.

Jan Griffiths:

I will continue to focus and drive the mission of authentic leadership because I want everybody to have a great work experience. I want people to feel challenged, to feel empowered to feel inspired about the work that they do in a safe environment so they can bring their ideas to the table, and they can truly thrive. That's what I want. That's the mission that I'm on. That's my purpose. It took me a while to figure it out. My wish for you is that you find your purpose, and that you find the strength to make the decisions that you make you need to make to live your purpose in life. And of course, I wish you a wonderful, wonderful holiday if you celebrate Christmas, Happy Christmas. If you don't have a great holiday and I will be back with a phenomenal guest lineup for 2022 Have a great one.

About the Podcast

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The Automotive Leaders Podcast
The Leadership Podcast for the Automotive Industry

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Jan Griffiths

Jan Griffiths is the founder of Gravitas Detroit, a company committed to helping you unlock the power of your team through authentic leadership.
In January 2020, Jan launched the Finding Gravitas podcast where she interviews some of the finest authentic leadership minds in the quest for Gravitas.
Gravitas is the hallmark of authentic leadership.